Owen Homeopathics Vials Carbo Veg 6c

Owen Homeopathics Vials Carbo Veg 6c

Carbo veg has traditionally been used for the symptoms of feeling weak, and about to faint or collapse. Carbo veg has also been traditionally used for symptoms of sluggish, weak digestion especially after illness or fasting.

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Owen Homeopathics Vials Carbo Veg 6c

Owen Homeopathics Vials Carbo Veg 6c

Carbo veg has traditionally been used for the symptoms of feeling weak, and about to faint or collapse. Carbo veg has also been traditionally used for symptoms of sluggish, weak digestion especially after illness or fasting.

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  • Homoeopathic medicine
  • Relieve symptoms of feeling weak, and about to faint or collapse
  • Traditionally used for symptoms of sluggish, weak digestion

Carbo vegetalis / vegetable charcoal.

Remedy picture as described in traditional homoeopathic texts.

Carbo veg addresses the low vitality and weakness that can result from a serious disease or complications, or the loss of fluids following a bout of vomiting or diarrhoea. Carbo veg assists the circulation of blood through the veins and capillaries. When impaired, imperfect circulation can cause bluish cold skin and stagnation in the body. It is sometimes called the ‘corpse restorer’ as its use can be dramatic following collapse.

Mental / Emotional Symptoms:

Mentally weak, with low vitality. There can be either an irritable easily excited state with changeable moods or they are listless, sluggish and indifferent. Can be easily startled or frightened or experience anxiety on closing the eyes.

Physical Symptoms:

The general feeling is one of sick weakness and exhaustion, either ongoing or suddenly. Faints easily. Person may seem almost lifeless but the head is hot, the skin feels cold and may appear blue, the breath is cool and quickened. They feel cold, but have a great desire to be fanned, wanting moving air and all the windows open. Head, eyes, stomach and body generally feels heavy. There may be a lack of reaction or failure to recover after some violent shock, surgery or long illness.

Face: Skin bluish, pale or grey, appearing stretched and tight, sunken eyes, and cold sweat. Pupils may not respond to light.

Head: Head cold and clammy or hot and sweaty with cold limbs. Headache at the back of the head, worse for pressure, heat or over-indulgence. Hair follicles sore. Hair loss following illness; after childbirth.

Digestion: Greatly distended abdomen with excessive flatulence and colicky pain worse from eating butter or rich foods. Digestion is slow and food putrefies within. Upper abdomen is very tender, clothing must be loose around the waist. All symptoms are worse for lying down. Even the smallest portion of food increases discomfort.

Lungs: Breathing laborious, quick and short. Breath feels cold. Spasmodic cough. A burning sensation in the chest. Gagging or vomiting of mucous. Offensive expectoration. Coughs accompanied with bluish skin.

Limbs: Numbness or burning pain, feeling heavy, stiff, and very weak. Limbs go to sleep. Weakness of wrists and fingers when grasping objects. Coldness from knees down. Varicose veins and weak circulation.

Skin: Body bluish and icy-cold, with perspiration. Itching, burning sensations. Sores due to pressure and lack of movement (i.e. bedsores). Old sores that heal and break out again.


State of collapse


Cold body / breath with a hot head


Foul flatulence

Air hunger

Exciting causes:

Blood or fluid loss from vomiting, diarrhoea, shock, surgery

Adverse reaction to food or alcohol

Effects of drugs or disease

Never properly recovered from a previous illness


Better: Belching; cool air and fanning; elevating feet

Worse: Rich food; milk and meat; decayed food; fatty food, alcohol; warmth

Desires: Salty, sour or sweet foods; coffee

Aversions: Milk (which causes flatulence); meat and fatty foods

Compare to: China, Lycopodium, Arsenicum, Nux vomica, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, Causticum.

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Use as directed.

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May Assist With:

Traditionally used for symptoms of sluggish, weak digestion. Also relieve symptoms of feeling weak, and about to faint or collapse.


Always read the label. Homoeopathic principles should be applied when using this remedy. If symptoms persist consult your health care practitioner promptly.

Manufactured Country: Australia

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