Owen Homeopathics Vials Anas Barb 200c

Owen Homeopathics Vials Anas Barb 200c

The homeopathic remedy Anas barb is traditionally used for the symptomatic relief of the early stages of cold and flu, even slight symptoms such as just feeling ‘off colour’, in conjunction with the indicated remedy (eg Aconite, Ferrum phos).

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Owen Homeopathics Vials Anas Barb 200c

Owen Homeopathics Vials Anas Barb 200c

The homeopathic remedy Anas barb is traditionally used for the symptomatic relief of the early stages of cold and flu, even slight symptoms such as just feeling ‘off colour’, in conjunction with the indicated remedy (eg Aconite, Ferrum phos).

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  • Homoeopathic medicine
  • Symptomatic relief of the early stages of cold and flu
  • Slight symptoms such as just feeling ‘off colour’

Anas barbariae.

Remedy picture as described in traditional homoeopathic texts.

As a home prescriber this remedy can be used as a single fortnightly or monthly dose during the winter season based on the person’s susceptibility to catch cold, and is especially recommended for the elderly and those with a weak respiratory system. An additional dose can also be taken after direct contact with someone suffering from a cold or flu.

The remedy picture for Anas barb only fits when taken within the first few hours of developing a respiratory ailment when a single dose will be most effective. Other remedies such as Aconite, Ferrum phos, or Gelsemium can complement the action of Anas barb and are chosen according to their individual remedy pictures.

If after taking 1 or 2 doses of Anas barb symptoms resolve no further doses are required. If symptoms develop then choose a remedy based on the symptom picture. Do not take any further doses of Anas barb. It is likely you will need to change your remedy as your symptoms change. This may occur several times and is a normal part of the resolution of illness.

Temperature: Sensation of chilliness. Fever.


Cold and flu symptoms


Better: For warmth, rest.

Worse: For eating milk or eggs

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Anas Barb 200c


Use as directed.

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May Assist With:

May assist with symptomatic relief of the early stages of cold and flu, even slight symptoms such as just feeling ‘off colour’.


Always read the label. Homoeopathic principles should be applied when using this remedy. If symptoms persist consult your health care practitioner promptly.

Manufactured Country: Australia

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