HealthWise Acetyl L Carnitine

HealthWise Acetyl L Carnitine

The preferred form of Carnitine for brain and nervous system support

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HealthWise Acetyl L Carnitine

HealthWise Acetyl L Carnitine

The preferred form of Carnitine for brain and nervous system support

Regular price $49.95
Regular price $49.95 Sale price $49.95
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  • Derived from L-Cysteine
  • Pharmaceutical grade
  • Vegan Friendly

Acetyl forms of amino acids are directly taken into the brain, and Carnitine is no exception, making Acetyl L-Carnitine the preferred form of Carnitine for brain and nervous system support as it can cross the blood brain barrier, strengthening the receptors and neurons.

The body can convert Acetyl L Carnitine into L Carnitine and visa versa.

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Acetyl L-Carnitine. NO yeast, gluten, salt

NO artificial flavours

NO flowing agents

NO preservatives


1-3gm, preferably in divided servings away from meals.

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Did You Know:

HealthWise® Amino Powders are pure pharmaceutical grade powders and are packed without the use of fillers or flowing agents. Some of the powders are slightly hygrospoic (retain moisture) and this can result in clumping. This can be broken apart with a spoon before taking or dissolved in water.

May Assist With:

Support brain and nervous system functions

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