A.Vogel Phytotherapy Cough and Bronchial Congestion Relief

A.Vogel Phytotherapy Cough and Bronchial Congestion Relief

Cough and bronchial Congestion Relief contains Ivy, Thyme and Liquorice, herbal remedies traditionally used for bronchial coughs.

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A.Vogel Phytotherapy Cough and Bronchial Congestion Relief

A.Vogel Phytotherapy Cough and Bronchial Congestion Relief

Cough and bronchial Congestion Relief contains Ivy, Thyme and Liquorice, herbal remedies traditionally used for bronchial coughs.

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  • Herbal remedy for bronchial congestion and cough
  • Reduces mucous production
  • Suitable for vegans and vegetarians

Used for the temporary relief of bronchial coughs and mucus congestion.

Bronchial coughs result from an excess of mucus or catarrh produced by your respiratory tract. This results in the tubes of your lungs and throat being irritated, triggering the cough reflex and an attempt by the body to expel mucus.

At A.Vogel, we insist that only freshly picked Ivy and Thyme are used to make Cough and bronchial Congestion Relief. This ensures that the remedy obtained contains the active ingredients* that help relieve a chesty cough.

*Tobler M, et al. Characteristics of whole fresh plant extracts. Schweizerische Zeitschrift fur GanzheitsMedizin, 1994.

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Active Ingredient:

Each 588mcL dose (20 drops) contains herbal extracts equivalent to:

Hedera helix (Common ivy) fresh herb 127.8 mg

Thymus vulgaris* (Common thyme) fresh herb 95.5 mg

Glycyrrhiza glabra (Liquorice) dried root 13.7 mg

Contains: Ethanol


Adults and children 12 years and over:

Take 588mcL dose (20 drops) in 50mL of water, 3 times daily, after meals, or as directed by your healthcare practitioner.

Children 2 to 11 years:

Give 147mcL dose(5 drops) in 50mL of water, 3 times daily, or as directed by your healthcare practitioner.

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Did You Know:

A. Vogel uses effective natural remedies and medicinal products made from freshly harvested plants.

May Assist With:

Respiratory tract health.



Not recommended during pregnancy or breast feeding.

Not recommended for people taking medication prescribed by their doctor.

Not recommended for people with allergies to Thymus vulgaris, Hedera helix, Glycyrhiza glabra and related species.

Bioforce Policy


Always read the label.

Use as directed.

Keep out reach of children.

Therapeutic Goods Advertising Code 2007

If ring at the bottom of cap is missing, broken or separate do not use.

Code of Practice for the Temper Evident Packing of Therapeutic Goods 2003

Contains Ethanol (Alcohol)

Not to be used in children under two years of age without medical advice.

If symptoms persist, consult your healthcare practitioner.

TGA mandatory warnings

Product contains a small amount licorice, however people eating large amounts of licorice at the same time may cause potassium loss, sodium and fluid retention and high blood pressure in some individuals.

Bioforce Policy



Immunosuppressant medications

Bioforce Policy

Undesirable Effects:

In very rare cases hypersensitivity reaction have been reported.

Thyme herb in ESCOP Monograph 2nd Edition page 505-510 (2003)

Manufactured Country: Australia

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